About Us

Founded in February 2020 and headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, LexiGraph provides custom software development, data science, machine learning, and large language model integration services to select clients serving the public interest.

We specialize in natural language processing and public health applications, managing cloud-based Web application development, deployment, security, availability, and scalability.



Global medicine quality monitoring platform funded by Wellcome Trust, tracking falsified and substandard medicine events using natural language processing.

Client: Oxford University

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Crowdsourcing platform tracking black-market transactions in pharmaceutical products, serving 300k+ visits annually.

Client: Seeking collaborators

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Global monitoring system for hate incidents, characterized by severity and target identity.

Independent research project with Northeastern, UCSF, and UCBerkeley

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Legislative Tracking System

Speech-to-text video data scraping and processing pipeline with LLM integration for state-level legislative tracking.

Client: InstaTrac

Prison Release Mortality Study

Web scraping project measuring mortality in people recently released from prison.

Client: University of North Carolina, Center for Health Equity Research

Pharmaceutical Social Media Analysis

Twitter/X data extraction and analysis for mentions of pharmaceutical products over time.

Client: Large pharmaceutical company ($1B+ revenue)